Billederne er ordnet kronologisk efter inventarnummer. Data om hvert værk: Nummer, titel, datering, materiale, dimensioner, evt. oplysninger om motivet, placering. De fleste af disse oplysninger er hentet i Teresa Nielsen: Katalog over skulpturer, Rudolph Tegners Museum, 1995.
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Slideshow : The pictures of the Tegner sculptures are accessible as a slideshow.
The picture is supplied with a short text about the sculpture. Most data originates from Teresa Nielsen: Katalog over skulpturer, Rudolph Tegners Museum, 1995. The order of the pictures are according to date, the oldest sculptures shown first. (The pictures may appear irregular relative to the text due to the prolonged time to transmit a picture.)
By click on the button Stop - Start, the pictures are shown either automatic or manual.
When manual, the buttons << Tilbage (Back) and Frem >> (Forward) are active.