Museumsklubben Tegners Venner | ||
172. Sophus Michaëlis1916, gips.h. 53,5 b. 30 h. 32,4 cm. Sophus August Berthel Michaëlis (1865-1932) var forfatter. En af Rudolph Tegners glødende fortalere i kontroverserne om 129. Danserindebrønden og 168. Livets Port. Opstillet i bronze på Vestre Kirkegaard, København. Luk vinduet for at komme tilbage til "Skulptur galleri". Eller start her: Skulptur galleri 172. Sophus Michaëlis 1916, plaster. Sophus August Berthel Michaëlis (1865-1932) was an author. One of Tegner's ardent supporters in the battles over 129. The Ballerina Fountain and 168. The Arch of Life. In bronze at Vestre Cemetary, Copenhagen. Close this window to return to "Sculpture gallery". Or start here: Sculpture gallery |